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Install Nexus OCSP Responder on Linux

This article is valid for Nexus OCSP Responder 6.2.2 and later.

This article describes how to install Nexus OCSP Responder on Linux.

Install Nexus OCSP Responder

Download the installation file
  1. Download located in Nexus support download area
  2. Unpack the Nexus OCSP distribution into any desired directory.
Start installation and select license file
  1. Use a root or sudo user to install the service.

  2. Follow these steps:

    // Change directory to where the zip was unpacked
    » cd unzippedDir/Installation
    // Set file permissions
    » chmod a+x
    // Run the installation script with the help flag for information and options
    » ./ -h
    // Run the install script with sudo or root rights and follow the instructions
    » sudo ./ -f
  3. Pass the license file to the installation script with the -l flag and a path to the license file in question. It can also be copied to the license folder, in the configuration folder, after the installation is completed.

  4. Set up and specify a service user when installing the OCSP service. This user will have minimal permissions for running the system, and nothing else. All configuration etc. shall be done by root/sudo users who administer the system.

Start Nexus OCSP Responder

The service is installed and configured to be started when the system boots. Otherwise, the service can be started, stopped and restarted as any other service with the service command.

  1. To start Nexus OSCP Responder:

    // Start
    » service nexus-ocsp start
  2. To stop Nexus OCSP Responder:

    // Stop
    » service nexus-ocsp stop
  3. To restart Nexus OCSP Responder:

    // Re-start
    » service nexus-ocsp restart

Uninstall OCSP Responder

Uninstall OCSP Responder
  1. Stop the Nexus OCSP service.

    » service nexus-ocsp stop
  2. Remove the service and symlinks.

    » systemctl disable nexus-ocsp
    » rm /etc/systemd/system/nexus-ocsp.service
  3. Remove the directory <install root>.

    » rm -rf <install root>

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