The postlogin process can now be applied to any Authentication profile (not only the Core Object based ones), and the processes can be defined differently for each profile, for example like this:
<util:map id="loginProcessesMapping"
<entry key="INTERNAL" value="loginProcessAllAuthProfiles"/>
<entry key="CLIENT_CERT_INTERNAL" value="loginProcessAllAuthProfiles"/>
<entry key="SAML_SSO_CORE_OBJECT" value="loginProcess"/>
<entry key="USER_PASSWORD_CORE_OBJECT" value="loginProcess"/>
The loginProcessUserName has been extracted as a separate bean to serve both PRIME Explorer and PRIME USSP configurations:
<bean id="loginProcessUser" class="java.lang.String">
<constructor-arg value="loginProcessUserName"/>
The value in the constructor-arg is the actual user name that will be used when running the processes.
The postlogin processes have also been implemented for PRIME USSP.