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Release note Personal Desktop Client 5.10

Release date: 2023-11-01


Jira ticket numberDescription
PER-4630Added support for Atos CardOS 6.0 DI (Dual interface).
PER-4656It is now possible to select and copy the smartcard serial number when viewing token information in the Personal Desktop App GUI on Windows.
PER-4668It is now possible to perform RSA decryption with OAEP padding on MD840 and MD940 cards. Among other things this enables pairing smart cards on macOS with our CryptoTokenKit extension.
PER-4670A "CTK.CloseP11SessionsDelay" configuration option is introduced to enable smarter PIN caching. However, it is not possible to know the calling application in CTK. Having PIN cache enabled by default (3 seconds) should eliminate multiple PIN prompts for client TLS authentication in browsers and prevent macOS login with cached PIN at the same time.

Corrected bugs

Jira ticket numberDescription


There was an issue where mart cards were no longer accessible in CTK after some time due to deadlocks. This has been fixed.


Updated curl to the latest version, 8.4.0, to mitigate the recently found vulnerability CVE-2023-38545.

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