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Set up script template in Identity Manager

This article describes how to set up a script template to be used in Smart ID Identity Manager.

Scripts are small, interpreted code units that are called up by Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) script tasks and operate on the process context and on data pool fields. They can be used to perform process-specific data manipulation, analyses, etc. Scripts can be stored and managed without compilation in Identity Manager Admin.


Add or edit script template

To add or edit a script template:

  1. Go to Home > Scripts.

  2. To add a script template, click +New. Enter details:

    1. Enter a Name and optionally a Description.

    2. Select Script Engine.

    3. Click Save+Edit.

  3. To edit an existing script template, double-click the template name.

  4. In the edit dialog, define the output variable (a variable of the process context) and enter the code of a function with return code. You can insert references to data pool fields into the code from the data pool list by drag-and-drop.

  5. Click Check Syntax to check the code.

  6. Click Save when done.

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