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Sort PIN/PUK letters in Certificate Manager

This article describes how to sort PIN/PUK letters. This task is done in the Secure Printer (SP) in Certificate Manager.


This task requires that

Sort PIN/PUK letters
  1. In the SP application window, the PIN/PUK letters matching your search criteria are listed in the result pane. The list includes a summary of the information about the letters.

  2. The following columns can be displayed and thus used when sorting the result pane.

    • Status - information about the status of the letter. For an explanation of the statuses, see SP user interface in Certificate Manager.

    • Printed count - the number of times a letter has been printed.

    • Card serial number - the token serial number.

    • PIN letter ID - the PIN letter ID.

    • Batch name - the batch ID.

    • Template name - the template ID as defined in the PIN procedure.

    • Token procedure - the name of the token procedure.

    • Created - the date when the PIN/PUK letter was created.

  3. To sort the list, double-click any column heading and the list will be sorted in ascending or descending order.

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