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Issue multiple temporary cards (batch order)

Use case scenario

An operator wants to produce/print multiple temporary cards.

This article describes how an operator can issue single or multiple temporary cards in Smart ID Identity Manager. (A valid card request must have been done before issuing, see Request temporary cards.) The next step after issuing is to assign the cards, see Assign temporary card

Read more here: Smart ID Workforce use cases



Step-by-step instruction for the operator

Log in to Identity Manager Operator
  1. Log in to Identity Manager Operator with your user account.
Issue multiple temporary cards
  1. In the BATCH ORDERS page, select Issue multiple temporary cards. 

  2. Click Search to get a list of all cards in state requested. 

  3. Select the check boxes for the cards that shall be issued.

  4. Click Issue multiple temporary cards. A list of cards is shown (or one card). 

    To cancel the process, see "Cancel the process" below.

  5. Click Next to continue issuing the card(s). The cards are now produced via Card SDK, with the state unassigned.
  6. You now have two possibilities: 
    1. Click Complete order. Confirm that everything is OK.
    2. Click Repeat production if you want re-issue cards which have failed or being printed out incorrectly. 

Depending on the configuration, there can be options added to the use case, see "Options" below.

Cancel the process

To cancel the process:

  • Click Cancel to close the process.
  • Click Next to proceed with the process.

Use case details

Overview and technical details
Use case descriptionAs an operator I want to produce requested temporary cards via batch order
  • End state for card = "unassigned"
Symbolic name


Process name

Issue multiple temporary cards


Identity Manager Operator

Required card state


Process start

Process start>Batch order>Issue multiple temporary cards


About the options

The options are configured by the administrator via a script in Identity Manager Admin and can be used by the operator and self-service user.

The script already exists with default values, so you only need to change the values as needed, not create the script.

Set PUK length
Set PIN length

Option: Set PIN length

Option: Set PUK length

Encode the temporary card

Option: Encode the temporary card

Select certificates to be issued

Option: Select certificates to be issued

This option is only valid if the option to encode the temporary card is true.

Related information

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