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Release note Digital Access component 6.3.0

Version: 6.3.0

Release Date: 2023-01-23

Upgrade docker

Upgrade docker to a version >= 20.10.10 before you upgrade Digital Access to this or higher versions, since docker <= 20.10.9 has compatibility issues with used the OpenJDK version.

Minor improvements

Jira ticket noDescription
DA-470Added a third option (None) for the auto-linking accounts notifications section. Selecting None will not send any notifications when the user accounts are auto-linked by Digital Access.
DA-911UX improvements while publishing changes to services in Digital Access. It is now possible to see the status of each service while it is waiting to connect, and the updates once it gets successfully published. The Publish button will change color to gray during the publish progress.
DA-1149Added support to bridge network for Smart ID deployment in case of distributed or High Availability (HA) setup. For more information about configuring high availability or distributed architecture, see Set up high availability for Digital Access deployment (bridge network)
DA-940Ability to add LoA translation groups. LoA translation groups define the conditions when to convert the AuthNContextClassRef in the SAML response to a new value. For more information, see Set up SAML authentication context in Digital Access
DA-1156Added a Listen on all Interfaces checkbox for administration service to support bridge network. This checkbox should be selected only while using the bridge network.

Corrected bugs 

Jira ticket no



Upgraded some libraries to fix a few detected vulnerabilities. 


There was an issue where the user accounts selection was not retained after saving roles in the delegate management. This has been fixed.

DA-1127Added documentation around Personal desktop in the help section for the authentication method.
DA-716Upgraded SMTP plugin to javax.mail 1.6.2 to support TLS 1.2.

There was an issue where an unintentional authentication-loop occurred when Nexus Digital Access acted as IDP-proxy for two federations. This has been fixed.


There was an issue where an incorrect content-type for JPG caused Internet Explorer (and Intune for Linux) to prevent loading Personal mobile authentication images. This has been fixed.

Contact Information

For information regarding support, training and other services in your area, please visit our website at

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