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Sign document via Word add-in

This article describes how to sign a document with Nexus GO Signing by using a custom Microsoft Word add-in, connected to your identity provider (IdP). Using this signing method, one person can sign the document. 

Beta version

The Word add-in for Nexus GO Signing is currently in a beta version.


To be able to sign documents via the Word add-in, you must run Nexus GO Signing with an external IdP. For more information, see Connect identity provider to Nexus GO Signing

Order Word add-in

  1. To order the Word add-in, contact Nexus
    You will get your customized add-in as an XML file, including the details for your IdP.  

  2. To install the Word add-in, follow either of these instructions: 

    1. For testing purposes:

    2. To publish the add-in to all users in the organization:

Sign document via Word add-in

  1. Create a Word document. 

  2. In the Word menu, click the Nexus GO Signing add-in. Do one of the following: 

    1. In Insert > My Add-ins > Nexus Signing.

    2. In Review > Nexus Signing.

    The signing add-in is displayed on the right hand side of the window. 

  3. Click Sign document in the Nexus signing add-in. 

  4. Authenticate using the connected IdP. 
    The signed PDF document is created and available for download from the Nexus GO Signing portal. 

  5. If your system supports it, the Word document is downloaded automatically. 
    If it does not, follow these steps to view or download the signed document: 

    1. Log in to the Signing portal

    2. Go to My requests > Recent requests

    3. Find the document in the list and click the link under Downloadable.
      The document is displayed. 

    4. Click Download document

The signed document is available for download in the Nexus GO Signing portal for 30 days. 

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